Affordable high end consulting

Your regulatory team is good; you see documentation being updated at regular intervals. However, sometimes there are these questions about the best interpretation of a specific article, or about interactions with the authorities where there is a lack of routine. At management level you may want to have a more strategic discussion, using decades of experience in the medical devices field.

Ad hoc consulting

The ad hoc service gives your team quick access to an expert that can help with many of these questions, or knows someone else who may. This service is typically recommended for companies that are faced with a change in requirements, a device with a new technology and/or clinical context, a new market or other situations where your team has not yet build up their routines.

No-brainer offer

Ad hoc consulting is only invoiced as actually used and there is no obligation to use any of it. It can be a resource that is just sitting there to be applied immediately, without having to go through the process of creating a budget and allocating a purchase order. Many regulatory teams have already discovered how valuable it can be to be able to get answers to burning questions quickly. The ad hoc consulting budget adds value immediately as it is used.

Ad hoc budgets start from 10 hours, which for many companies is what they need in a year.

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